The evidence for the effectiveness of video marketing continues to mount, but if you’re like us, you need some hard evidence. So we researched the effectiveness of video as an online marketing tool and we’ll share some of the highlights with you here.
Online video content works for all the same reasons that blogs work, but videos deliver superior results in the three areas that matter most to marketers:
- Attracting new prospects
- Converting those prospects customers
- Retaining and growing those customers
Here are some of the most compelling highlights that underscore the advantages of video:
• Web video is 53 TIMES more likely than text to appear on the first page of Google.
•Videos in the universal search results have a 41% higher click-through rate than plain text results.
• Video marketing increases sales of services and products by over 70%.
•Including video in an email increases the click-through rate by 96%.
•Providing content regularly and using videos, email opt-outs can be reduced by as much as 75%.
• 16% of customers who watch online video ads will purchase.
•After watching a video, 64% of users are more likely to buy a product online.
•40% of shoppers visited the store online or in person as a direct result watching a video.
• 21% of retail web video viewers request more information.
• ShopNBC Customers who watched videos on product pages converted at twice the rate of customers who did not.
•Among executives, 50% look for more information after seeing a product or service in a video.
•65% of senior executives visit the company’s website after watching a video.
•Two-thirds of Twitter users felt that it’s worth watching videos tweeted by brands.
•The average user spends 88% more time on a website with video.
We’ve all seen examples of video used poorly; the “marketing video” with all the finesse of the quintessential old world used car salesman, so overproduced they induce nausea, or so poorly produced that it calls into question the quality of the company and brand. These failures are so abundant that they are nearly clichés.
With so many misguided videos in use, how does the research turn out so positive? I expect that well-conceived, appropriately targeted videos work even better than these numbers suggest. Yes, video works, and GOOD video can give you great business results.